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Au inceput inscrierile pentru Cupa Mondiala de Catarare pe Gheata 2012 / Registration Open for Ice Climbing World Cup 2012

Submitted by on December 5, 2011 – 3:40 PMNo Comment

Dragi sportivi,

Avem placerea sa va informam ca au inceput inscrierile pentru Cupa Mondiala de Catarare pe Gheata si Campionatele Asiatic si European varianta Open 2012. 

Calendarul competitiei este urmatorul:

1. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed) & Open Asian Championship (Lead & Speed)
Cheongsong, Korea / 14 – 15 January 2012
Data limita pentru inscriere: 21 December 2011

2. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed) & Open European Championship (Lead)
Saas Fee, Switzerland / 20 – 21 January 2012
Data limita pentru inscriere: 10 January 2012

3. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed)
Champagny en Vanoise, France / 2 – 4 February 2012
Data limita pentru inscriere: 22 January 2012

4. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed)
Busteni, Romania  / 10 – 11 February 2012
Data limita pentru inscriere: 31 January 2012

5. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed) & Open European Championship (Speed)
Kirov, Russia / 8 – 10 March 2012
Data limita pentru inscriere: 28 February 2012


A. Va rugam sa luati in considerare faptul ca biroul UIAA solicita fiecarui sportiv o licenta semnata si stampilata de federatia nationala membra UIAA.

B. Toate inscrierile care vor depasi data limita vor fi penalizate cu 50 euro peste taxa obisnuita.

Pentru orice nelamurire va rugam sa ne contactati pe


UIAA ICWC 2012 Trailer

Dear Athletes,

We have the pleasure to inform you that Registrations are now open for the UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup and Open Asian & European Championships 2012 .

The competitions calendar is as follows:

1. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed) & Open Asian Championship (Lead & Speed)
Cheongsong, Korea / 14 – 15 January 2012
Registration deadline: 21 December 2011

2. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed) & Open European Championship (Lead)
Saas Fee, Switzerland / 20 – 21 January 2012
Registration deadline: 10 January 2012

3. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed)
Champagny en Vanoise, France / 2 – 4 February 2012
Registration deadline: 22 January 2012

4. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed)
Busteni, Romania  / 10 – 11 February 2012
Registration deadline: 31 January 2012

5. UIAA World Cup (Lead & Speed) & Open European Championship (Speed)
Kirov, Russia / 8 – 10 March 2012
Registration deadline: 28 February 2012


A. Please note the UIAA office needs for each athlete a License stamped AND signed by the Federation.

B. All registrations AFTER deadline will attract a penalty of 50 EUROS over and above the normal license fees.

Please do not hesitate to contact us on, should you have any questions.


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